The English Way
6 stages. From Reading to Santiago de Compostela
The Stars along the English Way.
An exhibition that covers the 6 stages from Reading to Santiago de Compostela.
British painter and mural artist David Speed has been invited to deploy all his talent in this new gallery. Through his works and the force of his unique palette of colours, David immortalises and brings to the fore such different personalities as Heather, Teté, José Carlos, Rocio and Manuel. Discover through your own eyes how all these Stars manage to transmit “that special something”, as they are brought together and immortalised in these large portraits that guide us on the way to Santiago.

“Being able to say that we can trust each other is really important.”

“We discovered the existence of the English Way in the Neda archive.”

The Stars
Discover the visions of resistance each of the protagonists
The Artist

Itinerary English Way
126 km. 6 stages. 5 Murals