Teté Mareque Galego
Teté Mareque Galego
Teté Mareque Galego, (Ferrol -1967)
Teté’s passion for sheep wool drove her to research its myriad applications, bringing renewed value to a product that was practically considered a residual material.
Teté is self-taught, and one of the characteristics of her work is that the wool is treated artisanally, following the ancestral tradition of washing, combing, carding and spinning…until the final product is obtained.
The mission of this amazing woman, together with the people and groups she works with, is centred on demonstrating the immense potential of autochthonous wool, which was on the verge of disappearing, yet has the capacity to revitalize the rural environment and provide a boost for its economy, but above all, to contribute to the conservation of the traditional arts and crafts that are part of Galicia’s cultural heritage.

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